Standard folders

changed in 5.4

This is where Audiveris stores all score outputs, such as the .omr project files, the .pdf printouts, the .mxl MusicXML files, etc.

Of course, we always have the ability to interactively store output by using the commands that prompt for a target location, like:

Also, if we load an existing .omr file, perhaps to further modify it, it will be saved by default to the same location it was loaded from.

Now, if we are processing some input file, say foo.pdf, the question is: where will its output files (foo.omr, foo-print.pdf, foo.mxl, …) be stored by default?

The target locations are presented in the following sections, by decreasing priority.

Table of contents

  1. Command line option
  2. Preferences dialog
    1. Input sibling
    2. Browse
    3. Separate folders

Command line option

The CLI option -output <output-folder>, if present, defines the target folder for every output.

For instance, the transcription of our foo.pdf input will be stored by default as <output-folder>/foo.mxl

This specific CLI option overrides the general Preferences described in the sections below.

Preferences dialog

The Preferences dialog is accessible via Tools → Preferences.

Input sibling

The Preferences dialog offers an option named Input sibling.

When this option is set, any output is stored next to its input.

For instance, the transcription of /some/path/to/foo.pdf will be stored as /some/path/to/foo.mxl (assuming the folder /some/path/to/ is writable).


If the Input sibling option is OFF, the Browse button allows to select an output folder.

For instance, if we have selected the output folder /my/folder/, the transcription of /some/path/to/foo.pdf will be stored as /my/folder/foo.mxl.

Separate folders

If the Input sibling option is OFF, the Separate folders option allows to gather all the outputs of an input file into a separate folder named according to the input radix.

For instance, still using the /some/path/to/foo.pdf input, the various outputs will be gathered into the specific folder /my/folder/foo/, thus resulting in something like:

    ├── foo/
    │   ├── foo.omr
    │   ├── foo.mxl
    │   └──
    ├── ...