Standard folders

new in 5.3

Table of contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Historical target policy
  3. Updated target policy


This is where, by default, Audiveris stores all score outputs, such as the .omr project files, the .pdf printouts, the .mxl MusicXML files, etc.

Historical target policy

Before 5.3, Audiveris policy was to gather all outputs of a given input file in a specific sub-folder, named according to the input radix, created under the base folder.

For example, with this historical policy, the processing of some “Bach_Fugue.tif” input file results in a single specific “Bach_Fugue” sub-folder containing “Bach_Fugue.omr”, “Bach_Fugue.mxl” and perhaps “”, etc.

This gives something like:

    ├── Bach_Fugue
    │   ├── Bach_Fugue.omr
    │   ├── Bach_Fugue.mxl
    │   └──
    ├── ...

All that Audiveris needs to know is the base folder.

The default path to the base folder depends on Operating System:

Windows <User Documents>\Audiveris
Linux (choice #1) $XDG_DATA_HOME/AudiverisLtd/audiveris
Linux (choice #2) $HOME/AudiverisLtd/audiveris
MacOS $HOME/Library/AudiverisLtd/audiveris/data

We can change this default base folder via the pulldown menu Tools | Options dialog, by modifying the value of org.audiveris.omr.sheet.BookManager.baseFolder constant.
(the modification persists between runs, until it is reset).

Rather than a base folder and a specific book sub-folder, we can choose to directly define an output folder via the -output <output-folder> CLI argument.
(the modification is valid for this run only).
Still using the same processing example of Bach_Fugue.tif, this time with CLI option -output /path/to/fooBar, we would get outputs like:

    ├── Bach_Fugue.omr
    ├── Bach_Fugue.mxl

Updated target policy

The historical target policy is still the default policy, but additional possibilities are now provided by Audiveris 5.3.

Beside the CLI option -output <output-folder>, we now have two options selectable in Tools | Advanced topics pulldown menu. See its Target output folders section.

  • Input sibling option, off by default, to locate outputs next to the input file
  • Separate folders option, on by default, to gather outputs in a specific sub-folder

With these three options in hand, here is the algorithm to determine the default output folder of a book:

  • If the book has already been saved (read: there already exists a book .omr file, for example because we have already saved it), then we use the same folder.
  • Else if CLI option -output <output-folder> exists, we use the specified output-folder.
  • Else if Input sibling option is on, we use the same folder as the input file.
  • Else if Separate folders option is on, we create a book specific sub-folder in the base folder.
  • Else we use the base folder.